Serve Others

We are His hands and feet.

Want to serve but unsure how?

Browse these service opportunities at Asbury United Methodist Church, Birmingham, AL, all designed to help you grow in your spiritual life, no matter how much time you have, whether you plan to serve individually, or whether you’re seeking a mission project for your whole family.

Volunteer in Asbury's Food Pantry

Food Pantry is open Wednesdays from 2-3:30 and every first Saturday, 12:30-2:00 p.m.

Asbury’s Food Pantry opened during the summer of 2011 with limited food choices and pre-packed bags. Today anyone facing food insecurity receives 25+ items from a wide variety of choices and get to do their own shopping on Wednesdays from 2-3:30 p.m.

The Food Pantry is now open the first Saturday of each month from 12:30-2:00 p.m. for curbside pick-up. Volunteer for a Saturday shift today – what a great family serve project!

Help with a Mission of the Month

 The work behind these family-focused initiatives happens within Asbury’s walls, so it couldn’t be easier to serve. Interested in leading a mission of the month? Email Missions Coordinator Brooke Jackson.

Donate Items

Year Round: Asbury collects gently used tennis shoes for Oak Mountain Missions, gently used purses for Hope Filled Rooms, and gently used eyeglasses for Global Eyeglass Ministry. Please bring these items to Asbury’s Donation Corner (downstairs in the Adult Wing).

Serve with a Ministry Partner

While organized by Asbury United Methodist Church, these missions opportunities are designed to help you get introduced to the many organizations doing God’s work throughout greater Birmingham. Have a missions project in mind? Email Missions Coordinator Brooke Jackson.

Support International Missions

From 2022-2023, Asbury tripled its international impact and we now work with several organizations and missionaries who are transforming lives and sharing the love of Jesus. Meet these heroes.

Ready to do more?

When Asbury UMC was established in 1986, its founding members and clergy decided that on top of the 10% it gives to The United Methodist Church for ministries and outreach, Asbury would give 10% more to Birmingham and its community partners through its Missions in Action program.

In 2022 alone, Asbury contributed $850,000 to UMC ministry and mission efforts, its own in-house assistance programs, and external partners like Prodigal Pottery, The Wellhouse, and Shepherds Fold

Find out how you and your family can make a difference, whether by volunteering, making a financial contribution, or simply praying for the individuals affiliated with and impacted by each ministry.