Lay Leadership

Many bodies. One church.

Asbury is a place where everyone is welcome to worship, serve, and grow. Service to Asbury comes in many forms and our lay leadership give their time and talents in numerous ways. Healthy leadership is critical to the effectiveness of any organization, and Asbury United Methodist Church is no exception.

Each year, our Nominations and Lay Leadership Committee prayerfully considers individuals for committee and ministry leadership. The Nominations and Lay Leadership Committee is made up of both pastors and lay leaders. This Committee recommends a slate of leaders to the Charge Conference in late fall and they are approved by a vote at the annual meeting. These new leaders begin serving on January 1 alongside the two classes that continue to serve a three-year term.

If you are interested in serving at Asbury in one of these important leadership positions, you can complete the Nominations Form by clicking here. Nominations will be accepted through August 30, 2024. More information is available on the Nominations Form, including a full description of each committee, responsibilities, and a chance to provide more information about yourself! 

Church Council

Purpose:  Provides for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church.  The church council is directed by the charge conference. The Church Council meets at 7:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in room 144.

KC Nolen, Chairperson
Thomas Hammock, Vice-Chairperson
Melissa Franklin, Recording Secretary
Janet O’Neil, Lay Leader
Dave Driscoll, Board of Trustees
Katie Hammock, Finance Committee
Bill Connor, Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Christy Miller, Missions in Action Committee
Brent Falkenhagen, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
Thomas Hammock, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
Melanie Nichols, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
Lee Ann Daniels, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference
Melissa Franklin, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2024
Bob Gilbert, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2024
Dave Precht, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2024
Buddy Coker, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2025
Chad Kendrick, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2025
Angel McPhearson, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2025
Scott Erb Lay Member at Large, Class of 2026
John Isaac Southerland, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2026
Janice Wilson, Lay Member at Large, Class of 2026
Lee Ann Wagner, Adult Ministry Liaison
Leslie Crawford, Children’s Ministry Liaison
Carol Erickson, Student Ministry Liaison
Becky Paisley, Worship Committee
Delores McGill, United Methodist Women
Alice Little, Heart Connection/Young at Heart Liaison

Board of Trustees

Purpose: The Board of Trustees shall have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the church and of all property and equipment acquired by the local church or by any organization connected therewith. The Board of Trustees meets at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in room 126.

Dave Driscoll, Chairperson
Lori Moler, Vice-Chairperson
Fred Azbik, Director of Facilities
Brooks Burdette, Class of 2024
Dave Driscoll, Class of 2024
Mike Oatridge, Class of 2024
Tim Braswell, Class of 2025
Rodney Cox, Class of 2025
Lori Moler, Class of 2025
Angelyn McIlwain, Class of 2026
Trace Traywick, Class of 2026
Keith Wooten, Class of 2026


Purpose: The committee on Finance shall give stewardship of financial resources as their priority throughout the year.  It may delegate the responsibility to implement ways to generate more resources to mission and ministries of the local church and beyond and find creative ways to generate an attitude of generosity. The Finance Committee meets at 6:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in room 127.

Katie Hammock, Chairperson
Bob Gilbert, Vice-Chairperson
Leah Gardner, Director of Finance
KC Nolen, Church Council Chairperson
Dave Driscoll, Board of Trustees Chairperson
Janet O’Neil, Lay Leader
Larry Anderson, Class of 2024
Katie Hammock, Class of 2024
Presley Rebman, Class of 2024
Bob Gilbert, Class of 2025
Nancy Gotham, Class of 2025
Chris Tanner, Class of 2025
Robert Cole, Class of 2026
Cary Guffey, Class of 2026
Rob Rodgers, Class of 2026

Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Purpose: To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support and respect the pastor(s) and staff and their family(s), to promote unity in the church, and to confer with and counsel the pastor(s) and staff on the matters pertaining to the effectiveness of ministry; relationships with the congregation; the pastor’s health and self-care, conditions that may impede the effectiveness of ministry; and to interpret the nature and function of the ministry. The SPRC is required by the Book of Discipline to meet at least quarterly, but due to the nature of the committee and its purpose, meetings are confidential and are not open to the congregation. If you would like to contact the SPRC chairperson, email

Bill Connor, Chairperson
TBD, Vice-Chairperson
Janet O’Neil, Lay Leader
Bill Connor, Class of 2024
Mollie Shealy, Class of 2024
Nick Duett, Class of 2024
Katherine Naumann, Class of 2025
Kim Nolen, Class of 2025
Joe Spain, Class of 2025
Elise Arrington, Class of 2026
Mac Chandler, Class of 2026
John Henson, Class of 2026
Melanie Nichols, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference Representative
Brent Falkenhagen, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference Representative

Missions in Action

Purpose: To be the hands and feet of Asbury United Methodist Church through service and mission. Missions in Action is responsible for distributing at least 10 percent of Asbury’s annual tithes and offerings to local and international missions. MIA also oversees the church’s food pantry, various assistance programs, and strives to serve our neighbors both near and far. Missions in Action Committee meets at 7:00pm on the second Tuesday of each month in room 128.

Christy Miller, Chairperson
Mike Northrup, Vice-Chairperson
Leslie Bice, Class of 2024
Pete Gagliano, Class of 2024
Christy Miller, Class of 2024
Richard Thompson, Class of 2025
Jan Nunnally, Class of 2025
Rene Spain, Class of 2025
Larry Beaury, Class of 2026
Hal Frazer, Class of 2026
Mike Northrup, Class of 2026

Nominations and Leadership Development

Purpose: To identify, develop, deploy, evaluate and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the local congregation. Members of the committee shall engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church. The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee meets prior to Charge Conference in the fall to develop a slate of nominations for the committees above.

Rev. Mike Holly, Chairperson
Rev. Robert Mercer, Vice-Chairperson
Janet O’Neil, Lay Leader
Jessica Johnson, Class of 2024
Angel McPhearson, Class of 2024
Joe Spain, Class of 2024
Robert Holton, Class of 2025
Kim Nolen, Class of 2025
Kristin Bundren, Class of 2025
Jaima Binzer, Class of 2026
Wayne Hay, Class of 2026
Lindsey Shar, Class of 2026