
Worship, serve, grow.

Asbury Next Steps | Asbury Membership

If you’re interested in getting more involved at Asbury or would like to understand the process that leads to church membership, we celebrate that decision and invite you to attend “Next Steps” quarterly lunch-and-learn on August 25, November 24, February 23, 2025, or May 18, 2025.

This complimentary luncheon led by Asbury’s pastors and staff takes place after 11:00 a.m. worship downstairs in Room 121 (in the Adult Ministry Wing). Over a complimentary lunch, you’ll hear a bit about Methodism, Asbury’s history, and a bit about how we Worship, Serve, and Grow. And, if you should need it, childcare is available for kids through fifth grade.

Kristin, Tiny Trebles Leader, Asbury Preschool Choir

If you’ve decided to make Asbury UMC your church home, know that you’re joining millions of others who are part of the larger United Methodist Church. We believe it’s important and also helpful for new members to have a common understanding of our beliefs, history, culture, practices and expectations. So, for this reason, we have identified a path to membership to help you on your journey.

– Complete this New Member Registration Form.
– Complete Volunteer Accelerator (a quick survey that aligns Asbury positions with your interests and talents).
– Attend Next Steps (choose a week that works for you/your family).
– Take the vows of membership during worship. If you have not been previously baptized, this ritual can be performed during worship as well.

Membership vows are also important because they give us an outline for our common work of Christian discipleship. Within The United Methodist Church, members make a covenant (promise) to do the following:

– To renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of the world, and also repent of your sin;
– To accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression;
– Confess Jesus Christ as Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord;
– To remain faithful members of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representatives in the world;
– To be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries;
– Faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness;
– To receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
– Once you complete Asbury Next Steps, you’ll receive an invitation to take the vows of membership during a weekend worship service.

Learn more about the membership vows of The United Methodist Church.

Facilitated by our pastors, you’ll find this experience to be relaxed, welcoming and rewarding as you learn more about our history, values and beliefs, as well as opportunities to worship, serve and grow. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. A light lunch is provided and complimentary childcare is provided with advance reservation.

Introducing Connections Classes

Ready to dive into Asbury’s concepts of “Worship,” “Serve,” and “Grow?” Join us for a series of informative sessions on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Come to all three sessions or pick the ones you are interested in. Newer to Asbury? While we recommend you attend a Next Steps Luncheon before attending these classes, it’s not mandatory.

September 8 – Worship
Led by Rev. Mike Holly and Rev. Robert Mercer, this session explores worship styles, the order, significance of music, and John Wesley’s impact.
September 15 – Serve
Led by Rev. Maggie Dunaway, Angie Gongwer, and Brooke Wolde, this session focuses on Jesus’ call to serve, Asbury’s mission efforts, and volunteer opportunities to volunteer.
September 22 – Grow
Led by Rev. Michael Bowman, this session covers our vision and values across all age groups, the importance of small groups, and church-wide events.