United Methodists use the term “confirmation” to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly “confirms” their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation and The United Methodist Church.
Confirmation is a year long faith journey. Each week, confirmands meet weekly during the 9:45 a.m. Sunday School hour in the RESET Student Space. Students are encouraged to examine their own thoughts on faith and God as a young adult. On Sunday, May 18, 2025, they have the opportunity to be confirmed in their faith and become full members of the church.
Need to sign up for confirmation? It’s not too late. Each confirmation student will get a Confirm Tote Bag which includes a Confirm Study Bible, Confirm Journal, and class t-shirt (provided at Spring Retreat.) Cost: $75.
At Asbury UMC, Confirmation is a Milestone, a special event designed to support sixth graders (as well as seventh and eighth graders) where they are and help parents navigate the teenage years.
12 leaders and 21 middle-school confirmands journeyed through our Methodist heritage at Epworth by the Sea, Oct. 11-14, 2024. Our outstanding students learned about various historical locations, grew closer, and prepared two beautiful worship services. We had a fantastic weekend discovering God’s light in our lives, how God’s light has shined through people before us, and how we can reflect God’s light in our world today.
Many thanks to the chaperones who helped our confirmands develop their faith. “During this weekend, we focused on light, so visiting the lighthouse was an integral part of connecting the dots between the theme and real life,” said Parent/Chaperone Amber Dillard. “I saw this come beautifully to life during the lighthouse tour, when some students faced their fears about climbing to the top while others lovingly encouraged them to make it all the way together. Their teamwork, camaraderie, faith, and bravery were awe-inspiring, and everyone made it to the top to witness the incredible view! It was the highlight of the trip and most of the students’ favorite part.