Friendship and fellowship await.

Sunday school

Sunday School - 9:45-10:45 a.m.

Asbury has 12 Adult Sunday School classes that meet in our Adult Ministry Wing (first floor). Each class is centered around Biblical study, fellowship, and service. If you are not part of a class, we encourage you to visit several classes as each one is unique.

Questions about which class is right for you? Contact Robyn White

Ages 50 & Under

Ages 50 & Older

Ages 50 & Under


Learn how to incorporate Biblical values into your lifestyle! Participate in relaxed, informal, scripture-based discussion with adults who have older children or are empty nesters. Mission projects include packing soldier care packages and meals for B’ham outreach.

Agape meets in Room 126.
Questions? Email Elan Feagin.


Couples and single adults seeking a richer spiritual life are welcome! Study God’s word and learn to incorporate Biblical values in your family’s lifestyle. Dedicated to helping others in the community. Regular social activities!

Crossroads meets in Room 136.
Questions? Email Angel McPhearson.


This class and is for young adult couples looking to build their faith foundation together.

Foundations meets Room 127.
Questions? Email Amy Courtney.


Learn how to be intentional in your faith and how to practice radical hospitality to those in need. L.I.G.H.T. stands for Learning in God’s House Together. Geared towards couples parenting elementary to high school-age children.

L.I.G.H.T. meets in Room 138.
Questions? Email Melissa Franklin.


You are a reflection of God. What does that mean? Adult Ministry Director Robyn White leads conversation in this intergenerational class designed for those who love reading and reflecting on various interpretations. Just bring your Bible.

Reflections meets in Room 128/130.
Questions? Email Robyn White.


Get a fresh approach to faith and build relationships with professionals, couples with or without children, and singles. Learn how to find God in the business of every day. Y.A.M.S. stands for You Are Made to Serve.

Y.A.M.S. meet in Room 133.
Questions? Email Ashley Whitfield

Ages 50 & Older

Adult Singles

Divorced? Widowed? Blissfully unattached? All are welcome to fellowship and make new friends while learning how to listen for and discern God’s voice in a world of noise. This group plans fellowship outings as well as missional opportunities!

The Adult Singles meet in Room 129.
Questions? Email Lee Ann Wagner.


Current world events shape the lessons and discussions in this relevant class made up of adults facing empty nest or retirement. Learn to deal with the challenges of daily life God’s way. Teachers rotate monthly and choose faith-based books from a variety of sources.

Challengers meet in Room 132/134.
Questions? Email Janet O’Neil.


Married, single, or widowed seniors growing together in the love and understanding of God’s will. Support the ministries of Asbury and the body of Christ. Passionate about supporting local missions including the Food Pantry and Oak Mountain.

Friendship meets in Room 142.
Questions? Email Janet Youngblood.


Men, women, couples, singles, empty nesters and grandparents seek to know God more intimately through studying His word. Assist residents of Shepherd’s Fold mission. Meet regularly for social activities and group service projects.

Journeymen meet in Room 144.
Questions? Email Dave Precht.

Ladies Bible Study

Moms, wives, grandmothers, empty nesters, and single women come together to study God’s word and learn how to put His lessons into practice. Service projects are part of the curriculum and determined by the class.

Ladies Bible Study meets in Room 120.
Questions? Email Ellen Thompson.


What are you seeking? Tools on how to live a Christian life? Guidance from God? This diverse, active class consists of empty nesters who are striving to serve God and love each other.

Seekers meet in Room 122.
Questions? Email Mike Northrup.