Ash Wednesday launches the forty days of Lent that lead to Easter. The central moment of an Ash Wednesday service is when a minister thumbs an ash-shaped cross on the forehead of each person standing or kneeling near the altar. “From dust you come, and to dust you return,” are the words said.
These stark and sobering words get our attention. They are a holy reminder that our lives come from God, are sustained from first to last breath by God, and return to God. “The Lord God formed the human from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life.” (Genesis 2.7)
God alone likely knows how many people around the world, through the centuries, even this Ash Wednesday, have heard and will hear those dusty words that remind us who and whose we are. Join us. And may you feel with the ashen cross on your brow, the love of God that will not let you go.
Enjoy artwork inspired by the 14 Stations of the Cross created by artists from Asbury’s congregation and community. This powerful exhibit is open to all—come and reflect on the story of Christ’s sacrifice through art. We invite you to take part in this meaningful experience during Holy Week. The stations will be displayed in the gathering space outside the sanctuary.
Asbury’s Pastors – Rev. Mike Holly, Rev. Maggie Dunaway, Rev. Robert Mercer, and Rev. Michael Bowman – have created short, daily devotionals designed to help you put your faith first.
Want us to email you the devotionals and podcast links each day? Sign up here.
You can also subscribe to the Asbury B’ham Meditations Podcast wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and listen each day.
Wednesday nights (beginning March 12) this Lenten season, join Rev. Mike Holly for a four-week study of the life of Jesus as told through the Gospel of Luke. From the shores of Galilee to Jerusalem, Luke tells of the incredible and unexpected ministry and teachings of Jesus, who taught of an Upside-Down Kingdom where the least among us become the greatest. For Luke, Jesus’ story is much more than mere history, it’s the pivotal moment when God came to earth on a rescue mission to save His people — including you! Register today.
Holy Week begins in triumph as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. We’ll celebrate with loud hosannas while our children wave palm branches during Traditional Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and Modern Worship at 11:00 a.m.
On the night of the Last Supper, Jesus offered his life to his disciples. And then he washed their feet – leaving no doubt about his love for them. Christ’s love is offered to you through Modern Worship and holy communion at 7:00 p.m. in Williams Chapel.
Pause to consider the suffering, death, and burial of our Lord before celebrating his triumphant resurrection. A moving, Tenebre Service (service of darkness) awaits at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. This service will be live-streamed.
We have much to celebrate: Christ’s everlasting, redeeming love is given to us all – unconditionally. Worship with us!
Sunrise Service (Prayer Mountain): 6:30 a.m.
Traditional Worship* (Sanctuary): 8:30 a.m.
Traditional Worship* (Sanctuary): 11:00 a.m.
Modern Worship* (Williams Chapel): 11:00 a.m.
*Available via live-stream