The Discernment Team spent more than a year discussing and reviewing documents and resources regarding the splintering of the United Methodist Church. Whenever possible, the Discernment Team prioritized and reviewed primary sources for information. In times of high anxiety and uncertainty, rumors, unverified information, speculation, and opinions often flood our inboxes, social media feeds, and conversations.
As a result, we encourage you to get information about a specific organization from that organization’s official publications, statements, and leaders. We also encourage you to review information from the United Methodist Church (, UM News (, and the Global Methodist Church ( The information and resources provided on this page are supported by primary sources whenever possible.
Survey results from the Congregational Survey following General Conference 2020/2024 are now available. Click below to download the full survey report that was presented to the Church Council on July 16, 2024 during its regular monthly meeting.
Original Communication sent to the Asbury Congregation:
Asbury United Methodist Church continues to be a vital congregation that inspires, disciples, and serves. Our church family has weathered the past few years of pastoral changes, denominational anxiety, and post-pandemic recovery. We have been able to weather these challenges because we are deeply rooted in Christ and because we focus on living as committed disciples of Jesus Christ who worship, serve, and grow together.
The General Conference of The United Methodist Church met in Charlotte, NC, in late April and early May and made changes that have prompted important conversations in some key committees. In particular, at their May meeting, the Trustees Committee of Asbury United Methodist Church discussed wedding policies for Asbury in light of the changes at the 2020/2024 General Conference allowing same-sex weddings in the denomination. The Trustees Committee of Asbury oversee our wedding policies. They decided to collaborate with the Church Council to seek the Asbury church family’s thoughts and opinions related to what kinds of weddings our church will hold and officiate.
The goal of the congregational survey is to inform the Church Council on the feelings of the Asbury Family and make a recommendation to the Trustees before their requested deadline of August 31, 2024. Those eligible to complete the survey are asked to complete the survey as soon as possible, but no later than June 30.
Remember that this is a survey. It is not a vote. The information gleaned from this survey will be used to inform the Church Council and Trustees on their next steps regarding the direction of Asbury United Methodist Church as it relates to same-sex weddings and its relationship to the United Methodist Church.
Survey results will be published on this page as they become available from the Church Council and Trustees.
On May 8, 2024 Rev. Mike Holly presented an update on the postponed 2020 General Conference held recently in Charlotte, North Carolina. During the presentation, Pastor Mike presented facts about what changes were made to the Book of Discipline and Social Principles and how these changes potentially impact Asbury. The handouts below were provided to those in attendance:
General Conference Summary (Asbury produced 1 page)
General Conference Debrief Summary (North Alabama Conference produced)
General Conference Legislative Recap (UMC produced)
The Church Council and Board of Trustees will continue to review the material and information presented as well as additional legislation that was passed that may impact Asbury. Specific plans and processes regarding next steps have not been determined, but both the Church Council and Board of Trustees are committed to hearing from Asbury members regarding these important changes as they evaluate next steps in how we continue to do ministry and embody the way of Jesus, together.
The churchwide summit was recorded and that recording will be made available to church members who wish to view it. Please email to request the link to that recording. Additionally, our clergy and church staff will continue to provide additional information and updates to the congregation as it becomes available and appropriate.
If you have specific questions regarding this information or other items from General Conference, email and we will respond to those directly.
The 2020 United Methodist General Conference is currently being held from April 23 – May 3, 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina. General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. Here are a few quick facts about General Conference:
Your clergy and staff are closely monitoring General Conference 2020 and invite you to learn more and get regular updates.
Updates from General Conference
A few helpful and reliable resources related to General Conference include:
The General Conference 2020 Website
The official website of General Conference 2020 (taking place in 2024) in Charlotte, NC
United Methodist News Service
News coverage of General Conference by the United Methodist News Service
Petition Tracking
Follow the legislative actions of the General Conference 2024 body at this site.
As more information is available regarding General Conference 2024 and legislation before the body, this page will be updated.
On Sunday, March 10 at 3:00 p.m,, Rev. Mike Holly presented on the various pieces of legislation that the General Conference of the United Methodist Church may be considering this spring. He also explained how General Conference committees wrestle with and possibly fine-tune legislation before it even gets to the floor of the Conference for a vote.
Pastor Holly brings information gleaned from recent meetings of United Methodist delegations from around the globe with the caveat that we cannot predict what will actually happen at General Conference. Whether or not you were able to attend this presentation on legislation, please continue to pray for our denomination as well as for Asbury UMC!
Asbury’s Pastoral Team announced after Annual Conference that it was time to hold church-wide summits in order to learn about, ask questions, and pray over issues facing the United Methodist denomination and Asbury’s discernment process.
The first summit was held at 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The second summit was held at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
At the church-wide summits, there was be a brief presentation about Asbury’s mission and vision followed by a time for questions and answers. If you have a chance, please make sure to look at our church’s website and find the section marked “Discernment” where you will find a complete history of Asbury’s process along with the report of the Discernment Team. There is a “Frequently Asked Questions” portion of that section of our website that should be very helpful.
Dear Asbury Family,
I am pleased to announce that last night, the Church Council voted overwhelmingly (22 – 2) to accept the Discernment Team’s recommendation NOT to enter into the North Alabama Conference Discernment for Disaffiliation process.
The Church Council considers this the best approach as the Book of Discipline has not changed. The only body that can change the Book of Discipline is the General Conference that meets every four years; the next General Conference will meet April 23-May 4, 2024.
Asbury United Methodist Church will continue to be the vibrant and loving church it has been since 1986. In spite of many recent challenges, we have continued to prosper and grow as evident from our in-person and online attendance, our giving, and our numerous mission projects. You should be proud of your church and what God has been able to accomplish through us. You can see the vast reach of our programs and initiatives and invite you to review our 2022 Impact Report.
We pass over the “Servants Entrance” stones every time we enter and exit the halls of Asbury. As a result, we will continue to worship, serve, and grow to support the mission of the church by loving our neighbors and making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
In 1 Corinthians 12:20, Paul states, “As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” Each of you have unique talents and gifts that make Asbury special. I pray that we continue to be the healthy and vibrant body that Paul illustrates. Please continue to pray for our world, for Asbury, and for each other.
Many thanks to the Discernment Team for their service over these past eighteen months. They have served with dedication, determination, and distinction. Additional questions that have been raised will continue to be answered on the discernment page of the Asbury website.
If you have any questions, get in touch at
Eddie Harris
Church Council Chairperson
Dear Asbury Family,
In November 2021, the Church Council passed a resolution creating the Discernment Team and tasked this group to gather information to determine who Asbury is as a church body and who it hopes to be in relation to the United Methodist Church, specifically regarding the issue of human sexuality. Their role was not to decide for our congregation, but to gather as much information and insight into how the congregation felt, what their concerns were, and whether Asbury could exist together in unity despite disagreements or differences in opinion regarding human sexuality. At the conclusion of their work, they were asked to report back to the Church Council with information and a recommendation on what, if any next steps should be taken.
Last night, the Church Council met with the Discernment Team to receive their official report and recommendation for Asbury United Methodist Church. I want to thank the Discernment Team for their work over the past year and a half and their service to our church during this process. It was clear from the more than two hours they presented and answered questions from the Church Council that they took this charge very seriously and worked diligently to represent each person in the Asbury Family in a fair and impartial way. The Discernment Team’s final report includes a summary report, full reports on the Listening Sessions and Church-Wide Discernment Survey, and numerous appendices.
As we continue reviewing the Discernment Team’s final report, there are a few important things the Church Council wants to ensure the entire congregation knows at this time:
While our church family takes the next month to read, absorb, and prayerfully consider the report in front of us, we want you to be able to ask questions of the Church Council about the report. We have established a Church Council email address – for you to submit questions regarding the Discernment Team’s final report. The members of the Church Council are also available to answer questions from the congregation. For a full list of the members of Church Council, visit
On behalf of the Church Council,
Eddie Harris
Church Council Chairperson
Q: Is Asbury going to leave The United Methodist Church?
A: In May 2023, the Church Council overwhelmingly voted (22-2) to accept the Discernment Team’s recommendation not to enter into the North Alabama Conference disaffiliation process at this time.
The Church Council considers this the best approach as the Book of Discipline has not changed. The only body that can change the Book of Discipline is the General Conference that meets every four years; the next General Conference will meet April 23-May 4, 2024.
Asbury United Methodist Church will continue to be the vibrant and loving church it has been since 1986. In spite of many recent challenges, we have continued to prosper and grow as evident from our in-person and online attendance, our giving, and our numerous mission projects. You should be proud of your church and what God has been able to accomplish through us.
Q: What is the current United Methodist stance on homosexuality?
A: Bishop Holston is helpful in framing the stance on homosexuality in the Book of Discipline: “While affirming that all persons are people of sacred worth and that God’s Grace is available to all, the United Methodist Church (UMC) does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers it not compatible with Christian teaching (¶161f). Furthermore, we are reminded that the leaders in our congregations be persons of Christian character, discipline, commitment, as well as loyal to the ethical standards of the UMC as set forth in our Social Principles (¶244.3). It is obvious that the discussion concerning homosexuality is one of our more divisive issues. It captivates our attention and dominates our conversations as well as making it difficult to focus on the mission and ministry of the church. As we seek to live together in Christian community, let us always remember that God calls us to be in a faithful ministry with all persons through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” (source) Here are other paragraphs from the Book of Discipline:
¶ 4. Article IV. Inclusiveness of the Church
The United Methodist Church is a part of the church universal, which is one Body in Christ. The United Methodist Church acknowledges that all persons are of sacred worth. All persons without regard to race, color, national origin, status,4 or economic condition, shall be eligible to attend its worship services, participate in its programs, receive the sacraments, upon baptism be admitted as baptized members, and upon taking vows declaring the Christian faith, become professing members in any local church in the connection.5 In The United Methodist Church no conference or other organizational unit of the Church shall be structured so as to exclude any member or any constituent body of the Church because of race, color, national origin, status or economic condition.6
4. Amended 1992.
5. Amended 2000.
6. See Judicial Council Decisions 242, 246, 340, 351, 362, 377, 398, 594, 601, and Decisions 4 and 5, Interim Judicial Council.
¶ 214. Eligibility
The United Methodist Church is a part of the holy catholic (universal) church, as we confess in the Apostles’ Creed. In the church, Jesus Christ is proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. All people may attend its worship services, participate in its programs, receive the sacraments and become members in any local church in the connection (¶ 4). In the case of persons whose disabilities prevent them from reciting the vows, their legal guardian[s], themselves members in full covenant relationship with God and the Church, the community of faith, may recite the appropriate vows on their behalf.
¶ 304.3 Qualifications for Ordination
While persons set apart by the Church for ordained ministry are subject to all the frailties of the human condition and the pressures of society, they are required to maintain the highest standards of holy living in the world. The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals1 are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church.2
1. “Self-avowed practicing homosexual” is understood to mean that a person openly acknowledges to a bishop, district superintendent, district committee of ordained ministry, board of ordained ministry, or clergy session that the person is a practicing homosexual. See Judicial Council Decisions 702, 708, 722, 725, 764, 844, 984, 1020
2. See Judicial Council Decisions 984, 985, 1027, 1028
Q: Is Asbury going to have same-sex marriages?
A: To answer this question, it is important to understand two important facts. First, the United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline does not allow pastors or local churches to perform same-sex weddings (source). Second, a pastor is not forced to perform a wedding that she or he does not wish to perform. We do not know what the future holds, but a recent gathering of large church pastors and General Conference delegates saw the vast majority pledging that churches will not be forced to perform a wedding that they are morally opposed to allowing.
Q: Will we have an LGBTQ pastor?
A: The United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline does not currently allow ordained clergy who are in same-sex relationships or marriages (source). The Board of Ordained Ministry in the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church has followed the Book of Discipline in its practices and thus, the likelihood that this will occur is very, very low.
Q: Is the UMC changing its position on the virgin birth and the resurrection?
A: Here is a helpful answer from the United Methodist official website: “No. All of these positions are bedrock in the doctrinal standards of The United Methodist Church, more specifically in the Articles of Religion and the Confession of Faith. These cannot be altered without a two-thirds vote of the General Conference followed by a three-fourths aggregate approval of all annual conferences of The United Methodist Church worldwide. There is no basis to conclude such majorities can be achieved to alter the Articles and Confession for any reason.”
Virgin Birth and Divinity of Jesus
Articles of Religion, Article II:
“The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man’s nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin.”
Confession of Faith
Article II:
“We believe in Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man, in whom the divine and human natures are perfectly and inseparably united. He is the eternal Word made flesh, the only begotten Son of the Father, born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Articles of Religion, Article III:
Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took again his body, with all things appertaining to the perfection of man’s nature, wherewith he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth until he return to judge all men at the last day.
Confession of Faith
Article II:
“Jesus Christ… was buried, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with the Father, from whence he shall return.”
Salvation apart from faith in Jesus Christ
Articles of Religion, Article IX:
“We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith.”
Confession of Faith
Article IX:
“We believe we are never accounted righteous before God through our works or merit, but that penitent sinners are justified or accounted righteous before God only by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Q: What is the UMC position on the interpretation of scripture?
A: The United Methodist Church is clear that the Scriptures of the Church are the primary source and criterion for the Christian faith and doctrine. John Wesley held a high view of Scripture as seen in Articles V and VI in the Articles of Religion from the Book of Discipline. As stated above, the Articles of Religion “cannot be altered without a two-thirds vote of the General Conference followed by a three-fourths aggregate approval of all annual conferences of The United Methodist Church worldwide. There is no basis to conclude such majorities can be achieved to alter the Articles and Confession for any reason.” The membership vows of the United Methodist Church also include a clear statement about Scripture.
Q: When is the next General Conference and why has it been postponed?
A: The only body that can officially speak for our denomination is the General Conference. This is the body that makes any changes to the Book of Discipline (source). The General Conference is led by the Council of Bishops, but they do not have a vote. An equal number of pastors and lay persons from churches around the globe are elected from their Annual or Central Conferences. Annual Conferences or Central Conference with greater number of members have more representatives at General Conference.
The next General Conference will be held April 23 – May 3, 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina (source). Delegates were already selected back in 2019 for the postponed General Conference of 2020. General Conference was postponed initially because of the COVID-19 global pandemic and again because of the lack of vaccinations for global delegates as well as the very long wait time for visas.
More information is available in the “General Conference 2024” tab of this page.
Q: Why are some churches leaving now? And why are “traditionalist” churches the ones mostly leaving?
A: At the 2019 Special Called General Conference, the delegates added a new paragraph to the Book of Discipline. This paragraph (¶ 2553) allows for churches to leave the United Methodist denomination through a process known as disaffiliation. The process of disaffiliation includes a church wide vote by the Church Conference as well as several financial expenses. The disaffiliation is not final until the Annual Conference votes to approve the church’s decision. This paragraph (¶ 2553) is set to expire in December 2023. Some churches seem to be ready to leave now because they already know where their church stands or because they are anxious that waiting will cause them to lose members. The North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church provides a three-month discernment process including consultation from the Annual Conference (source). Churches with a vast majority of “traditionalist” members are the ones in the discernment process to disaffiliate. Churches with a majority of “traditionalist” members but also a fair number of more “progressive” members are either choosing to wait for General Conference 2024 for more clarity or they are voting to disaffiliate and causing financial and spiritual strain to their church family – creating winners and losers in a church wide vote. There will be ample time to remain United Methodist as well as to disaffiliate if that is the will of the church family.
Q: I’ve heard we have to make a decision and vote on disaffiliation before December 31, 2023 when Paragraph 2553 expires. Is this true?
A: Paragraph 2553 expires at the end of December 2023, as stated in The Book of Discipline. However, per the Trustees of the North Alabama Conference (source): “The Conference Board of Trustees, has a long history of being gracious and fair with departing congregations. The NAC3 team will work with district and conference leadership and the Conference Board of Trustees to ensure ongoing fair and gracious negotiations regarding the disposition of property of closed churches. Such commitments would not end with our current bishop’s tenure, regardless of when that may be.”
Q: What happened at the Special Called Annual Conference for North Alabama in December of 2022?
A: The Special Called Annual Conference for North Alabama United Methodist Churches was held at the BJCC in downtown Birmingham on December 10, 2022. There were 198 churches in the North Alabama Conference that had used the process of disaffiliation made possible by ¶ 2553 in the United Methodist Book of Discipline and had reached a 2/3 majority approval in their local congregation to approve disaffiliating from the United Methodist denomination (source). The annual conference, in the last step of the process of disaffiliation, overwhelmingly supported the votes of the local churches. 198 United Methodist Congregations left the denomination as did many of their pastors. 440 churches currently remain. According to, “75 of the 198 disaffiliating churches have membership under 50, and 134 have membership under 100. The average in-person weekly worship attendance at the disaffiliating churches was 66, while 150 of them reported in-person weekly attendance less than 50.
Q: What is the Global Methodist Church? What is the WCA (Wesley Covenant Association)?
A: The Wesley Covenant Association (WCA) was established in 2016, but the roots of this group stretch out to various groups and churches for many years. The churches and pastors of the Wesley Covenant Association are “traditionalist” and have a passion for every church in their fellowship to make disciples of Jesus Christ as well as to hold firm in their stance on human sexuality. They are generally opposed to any church or pastor breaking the rules of the Book of Discipline. After the Special Called General Conference of 2019, the WCA began planning a new denomination for United Methodist Churches and pastors who no longer wanted to be in a “big tent” denomination. When General Conference was postponed due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the lack of vaccinations, and the long wait time for visas in both 2021 and 2022, the WCA decided to launch this new denomination in May of 2022 (source). This new denomination was named the Global Methodist Church. Early disaffiliations of United Methodist Churches included members of these organizations. However, large “traditionalist” churches who were members of the WCA in Montgomery, Alabama, and Madison, Alabama, decided not to join the Global Methodist Church. Instead, they joined the Free Methodist Church or began a new connection of churches that may become a denomination at some point. In September of 2022, the very “traditionalist” United Methodist bishops of Africa have announced that they will not align with the WCA or the new Global Methodist Church (source).
Q: If I do not agree with an official UMC stance on any issue; why should I stay? Why should I leave?
A: “Progressive” members of many United Methodists have stayed within the denomination even though they have disagreed with the official UMC stance. Many have stated that they have stayed out of love for the local church itself – to continue to support the ministry and mission of the church they love. Others have stayed because of the relationships in a small group or Sunday school class. Others, of course, have stayed hoping that the stance would one day change. It is reasonable to assume that many of those same “progressive” members will continue to be committed to the ministries and mission of their local United Methodist Church as well as to the denomination itself if there are no changes at General Conference 2024. If there are changes, then it is reasonable to assume that some “traditionalist” members will choose to stay while some may choose to ask their local church to disaffiliate, or they will find a new congregation that better fits their theological stance. It has been helpful for many to consider whether they are “compatible” in their theological stances.
That leads us to believe that there are, as many have outlined, four possible places for people to find themselves. This is an imperfect, yet helpful framework:
Traditional Non-Compatibilist | Traditional Compatibilist | Progressive Compatibilist | Progressive Non-Compatibilist |
Church members in this category hold an interpretation of Scripture in line with the current wording of The Book of Discipline which forbids same-sex marriage and the ordination of persons who are practicing homosexuals. Their concerns about fidelity to this interpretation of Scripture and to the commands from Jesus for holiness are of such importance to them that they would rather be in a denomination where all agree on these matters than be in a denomination or local church where they would feel personally compromised by diverse views on human sexuality. | Church members in this category hold similar theologically traditional views on human sexuality as those in the first category. The difference is that they believe that they can still be compatible with others within the United Methodist denomination who might disagree with them. A traditional compatibilist holds to their own traditional interpretation of Scripture, but also values the unity, mission, and impact of the United Methodist Church and all of the other areas where Jesus calls us to become more like him. They would likely strive for unity despite our differences. | Church members in this category understand that there are varying Christian perspectives on human sexuality as well as in the interpretation of Scriptures related to human sexuality. They would like to see the United Methodist Church as a denomination offer ordination to all people who are clearly called by God and also offer marriage to committed Christian same-sex couples. They hold their own progressive interpretation of Scripture, but also value the unity, mission, and impact of the United Methodist Church and all of the other areas where Jesus calls us to become more like him. They would likely strive for unity despite our differences. | Church members in this category have deep concerns for the Scripture’s call for justice to all people and Jesus’ deferential care of the marginalized. They hold a progressive interpretation of Scripture that they feel calls them to strive for full inclusion in the life of the church for all people, including those currently prohibited from marrying or serving as clergy. This is such a high value for this group that they only want to be in a denomination that reflects these beliefs and will continue to work for serious change within the United Methodist denomination. |
Q: Is every church in the process of discernment with the Annual Conference deciding to disaffiliate?
A: No, some churches are choosing to remain in the United Methodist Church. Some are deciding to remain indefinitely while others are waiting for the results of General Conference 2024.
Q: What will happen to our pastors and staff if our church decides to remain in the United Methodist Church? If we decide to disaffiliate?
A: Unlike a local church where a 2/3 majority of the Church Conference must approve a motion to disaffiliate, each pastor already has the option to join a new denomination as an ordained pastor. Any pastor could leave at any time. It is possible that a pastor will not choose the same denomination as the local church she or he currently serves. That pastor would then hopefully be assigned to a new church or another appointment within the denomination. The local church would then work with their denominational leaders or representatives to receive the pastoral team needed for their unique context. It is not known how lay staff members will react to any changes in the denomination. It is also not clear what the financial strength of any church will be after making any significant change and what that might mean for staff retention.
Q: What about global United Methodists (such as United Methodists in Ukraine, Russia, Africa, and Southeast Asia)? Will they disaffiliate?
A: As mentioned above, there are bishops and churches in Africa that will remain United Methodist and will not join the Global Methodist Church (source). We are not aware of similar statements or announcements from eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
Q: What is Asbury’s role in leadership in the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church?
A: Asbury United Methodist Church, Birmingham, is a leader in the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church. Our members and our pastors have a voice in what lies ahead in North Alabama. Our Annual Conference has turned numerous times to our wonderful worship staff to aid in worship leadership at Conference gatherings. Our Annual Conference has also turned to Asbury UMC asking that we host virtual meetings and gatherings as well as a Service of Ordination for new clergy.
The following resources have been compiled to provide additional information from primary sources for you to review as you continue to research and discern.
The United Methodist Book of Discipline
The Book of Discipline contains the doctrine and polity of the United Methodist Church.
North Alabama Conference “Discerning Our Future” Website
Our Conference has put together Frequently Asked Questions, resources for discerning churches and clergy, and other information as it relates to discernment, disaffiliation, and the United Methodist Church moving forward.
Report of Disaffiliating Churches from North Alabama Conference – December 2022
A list of churches who disaffiliated from the North Alabama Conference during the December 2022 Special Called Annual Conference.
Report of Disaffiliating Churches from North Alabama Conference – May 2023
A list of churches who disaffiliated from the North Alabama Conference during the May 2023 Special Called Annual Conference.
Ask the UMC Addresses Misinformation and Rumors around Disaffiliation
Ask The UMC offers a series of questions and answers to help clear up some common misperceptions or misinformation around disaffiliation.
Wespath General Conference Website
Wespath is the organization that hosts clergy and staff pensions in the United Methodist Church. This page shares legislation updates for General Conference 2024.
Wespath Disaffiliation Webpage
This page shares podcasts and information regarding how a church can work with Wespath through a process of disaffiliation and specifically how it impacts the local church’s commitment to pension funding for its pastors.
Wespath Q&A Regarding Disaffiliation and Legislation for General Conference 2023
This page shares podcasts and information regarding disaffiliation and how it impacts a congregation and clergy pensions. Updated January, 2023
Don’t see the answers to your questions? Submit your question here and the Discernment Team will respond as soon as possible.