Expectations for Kids and Students

Behavior Policy

We are able to have a good time, joke, and have fun at our activities. Some students, however, occasionally take it too far and are disruptive, causing other students to be distracted from Bible teaching. We will not tolerate profanity, discriminatory, or offensive language. This behavior is not in line with our ministry’s mission. In these cases, we will follow these progressive disciplinary steps:

⇒ Disruptive students will be separated from their friends. Our volunteers request the disruptive students move to another seat, away from their friends.
After being separated on any given week, if the student continues with the negative behavior, the student will be asked to leave the activity and a staff member will phone the parents/guardians to pick up the student early.
When the student returns the next time, if he or she continues the disruptive pattern, the student’s parents will be notified and will set up a meeting with church staff to discuss the issues the student is having and how to correct them.
If the student causes further disruption the parent will be asked to join their student in the group whenever they come for the next 2 weeks.

Arguing and contention are typical with children and teenagers and a certain amount is tolerated. We will not tolerate arguing and contention that begins to affect the overall unity and mission of the group. Even small pockets of division have major effects on the group, destroying the collective witness of the Body of Christ. When a disruptive division or arguing occurs, both parties will be asked to meet with a member of the family ministry staff to mediate the conflict.

Staff will attempt to de-escalate. Students who will not own up to their roles in the conflict and attempt to exist peaceably with the other students may be asked to leave the activity. A staff person will phone the parents/guardians and they may be asked to pick up the student early. The situation will be discussed with the parents.
We allow students’ emotions to cool for one week before we take any disciplinary action for lack of reconciliation.


Would you send your student to a meeting knowing there’s a good chance he or she will get assaulted? Not likely. Parents will need to know they are leaving their student in a safe environment. To that end, we do not permit physical fighting–period. Students who engage in physical bullying or fighting will face the following steps:

The students will be asked to leave the meeting or activity and a staff member will phone the parents/guardians to pick up the students early. The situation will be discussed with the parents and the students will be given a cooling-off period away from all family ministry activities for two weeks.
If there is a second offense, students will be suspended from family ministry activities.
Every situation will be evaluated individually and resolution will be a collaborative decision made with parents/guardians.

Sometimes students try to leave the supervisory presence of staff and volunteers so they can avoid group activities to talk on a cell phone, smoke, couple off, or leave the premises. We cannot allow this behavior because parents trust us to be responsible custodians of their students, and we can’t be responsible when students have left our presence. Therefore, students are not permitted to leave the activity. Those who leave programing or the church premises will face the following progression of disciplinary steps:

The first time they will be found, returned, and asked to not leave again. In addition, the parents will be contacted by staff.
If it happens again, the parents will be contacted and the student will be given a cooling-off period from ministry activities for two weeks.
If the student causes further disruption the parent will be asked to join them in the group whenever they come for the next 2 weeks.
Any offenses thereafter, the student will be suspended.


Just like any public activity, students are not permitted to participate in ministry activities while under the influence or in possession of dangerous and/or illegal items. These items include, but are not limited to, weapons of any kind, tobacco, vaping products, alcohol and illegal drugs.

If a student comes to any ministry activity and a.) is noticeably under the influence of drugs or alcohol or b.) has possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or weapons, we will immediately report the incident to the student’s parents and send the student home. If recommended by the church leadership, staff, and/or required by law, the police and/or other authorities will also be contacted.
If a student uses or is in possession of tobacco or vaping products, these products will be confiscated. The student’s parents will also be notified and given the tobacco or vaping product.


*All parts of this policy are under the discretion of ministry staff for the safety and protection of all people involved. All incidences will be evaluated by staff and discussed with parents. Our goal is to create a safe and healthy environment for faith development. If you have a concern your ministry staff is always available.